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Interreg Central Europe: Meeting del progetto 'More than a Village' a Murska Sobota (Slovenia)


Il Direttore di Anci Liguria Pierluigi Vinai partecipa alla due giorni di Meeting e Comitato di pilotaggio del progetto "More than a Village - Transizione dei villaggi intelligenti, un modello per villaggi più competitivi e attraenti nell'Europa centrale" a Murska Sobota, città della regione agricola dell'Oltremura, nella Slovenia nord-orientale.

More than a Village è un progetto del programma Interreg Central Europe.

Il Meeting a Murska Sobota è organizzato dal partner ITC – Innovation Technology Cluster Murska Sobota. Altri partner di progetto sono: LocaI Action Group Association "South Warmia" (capofila), Anci Liguria, Poliedra – research and consultancy centre of Milan's Polytechnic University, Foundation Balteus, Haidù – Bihar County Government, Institute for Development and International Relations, City of Buzet.

I lavori della mattinata hanno previsto una panoramica generale sullo stato del progetto: gestione e reporting, comunicazione, implementazioni e stato di attuazione.

Nel pomeriggio, visite-studio alla regione pilota slovena e agli stakeholders: Filiera corta alimentare Green Point, Hudo Dobro, Kodila Gourmet, con sopralluoghi a fattorie biologiche, cooperative agricole del territorio e varie esperienze raccolte nel progetto dai partner sloveni.


Interreg Central Europe: Meeting of the 'More than a Village' project in Murska Sobota (Slovenia)

The Director of Anci Liguria Pierluigi Vinai participates in the two-day Meeting and Steering Committee of the project "More than a Village - Transition of smart villages, a model for more competitive and attractive villages in Central Europe" in Murska Sobota, a city in the region agriculture of the Beyond Walls, in north-eastern Slovenia.

More than a Village is a project of the Interreg Central Europe programme.

The Meeting in Murska Sobota is organized by the partner ITC – Innovation Technology Cluster Murska Sobota. Other project partners are: LocaI Action Group Association "South Warmia" (leader), Anci Liguria, Poliedra – research and consultancy center of Milan's Polytechnic University, Foundation Balteus, Haidù – Bihar County Government, Institute for Development and International Relations, City of Buzet.

The morning's work included a general overview of the status of the project: management and reporting, communication, implementations and implementation status.

In the afternoon, study visits to the Slovenian pilot region and the stakeholders: Green Point short food supply chain, Hudo Dobro, Kodila Gourmet, with inspections of organic farms, agricultural cooperatives in the area and various experiences gathered in the project by the Slovenian partners.